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Farm rosters?
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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Last Updated: Mon Feb 9, 2009

Here's what I see right now after a bit of research between sites..but please let me know if any mistakes and especially if anyone's missing. I'm waiting for Nagy to sign in and can go over this with him too. For the time being, Nagy will take over Farm if he's willing and able, if not, I will do this. If I need to do it, we may have to adjust the schedule, it is difficult for me to get in on Mondays and Wednesdays in the evening. Whoever else wants to help out is very welcome.


daniel43 baxton - 0 games played
Ladanian Ceriano - 0 games
Wild Cote - 0 games
Matabus Exonar - Drafted
hope Farrjones - 0 games
Bills Frog - 0 games
Jimbo Hawksby - 0 games
Mickey James - 4 games
Gianna Jigsaw - 0 games
Deej Kasshiki
Justin Kozlov - 1 game
Tjaden Kozlov - 1 game
luka larsson - 0 games
Anhayla Lycia
Decon Magic - 2 games
Vladislav Moonwall - 1 game
Ace Myrtle - Drafted
Yvan Nagy, Asst Captain
Sacha Pangaea - 5 games
William Sommerfield - Drafted
Xavier Soulstar - 1 game
PhoenixStarr Teardrop - 1 game
Larithen Karu - Drafted
OneCoolBud Karu - 1 game
Sarafina Raymaker - 9 games
Wilbur Wood - Drafted
Ed Bayn - 0 games
Vladmire Strazytski - 0 games
Vinny DuCasse - 4 games
Alex Hepzipig - 1 game


Pyre Ansar - 0 games
Brodbiz Bagration - 4 game
daniel43 baxton - 0 games
Arther Beaumont - 14 games
Jeeper Belgar - 0 games
Kanmaki Blitz - 0 games
Cheyenne Carissa - 0 games
Dyrk Darwin - 3 games
Dan15101 Gottessman - Drafted
Kerry Gretzky - 0 games
Zeke Honi - 0 games
Han Okelli - drafted
brenda osterham - 2 games
Strelok Perl - 6 games
Dianna Saunders - 1 game
Lancelot Skytower AC
Baron Voyager - 5 games
Ian Humby -Drafted
charis straaf -Drafted
Archibald Sideshow -2 games
Jared Coleslaw - 1 game
Ku Dawg - 0 games
Milan Renfold - 6 games
Rei Hax - 1 game

It appears we need to draft Arther Beaumont to NA? Unless already done?
Kert Upshaw
Team Admin
Posts: 506

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Posted: Sun Feb 8, 2009

Arther Beaumont was sent to the Moose today at the captains meeting.
Han Okelli

Posts: 363

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Posted: Mon Feb 9, 2009

My name is on Eagles but I cant make the games, so I have to quit.
Vivienne Coppola

Posts: 469

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Posted: Mon Feb 9, 2009

hi Jack
Brodbiz Bagration and Archibald Sideshow of the Eagles are both Ravens Euro players as well and both have played regularly with the Ravens so you might want to check some of the other names on the euro stats as well
Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Posted: Mon Feb 9, 2009

Hey thanks!! I didn't think of that. I will check and update those lists.
Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Posted: Mon Feb 9, 2009

Ok, those are updated, plus 1 more game for Sacha and Milan added. Katia was working on a spreadsheet last night to help with this, too. I'll mention to her about the Euro division games counting toward the 12 games also.
Katia Ixtab

Posts: 181

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Posted: Mon Feb 9, 2009

Here is the link to the current Farm roster - of players who are still working towards thier 12 games and towards drafting eligibility. It should be accessible to anyone, so please let me know if you can not access the link.

I will work to keep this updated. The changes detailed in this thread have been incorporated to this report.


I'm hoping when Dyz feels up to it, and has some free cycles, we can work towards having a more automated report to pull these stats for next season. We were thinking of a page that included the following information:

-Farm League Roster, Grouped by Team, Sorted A-Z
-Number of Games Played (calcuated from both Farm & Euro game scoreboard registration data)
-Number of Games until Draft Eligiblity (calculated field)
-Eligiblity Status (Eliglble/Pending Eligiblity) This field would be filterable, so that a quick list of all draft eligible players could be quickly displayed.
-Once a player has been drafted, they are moved to that team's roster, and drop from the data display of this report.
Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Posted: Mon Feb 9, 2009

Thank you Katia!!

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