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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Last Updated: Fri Apr 15, 2011

We have some new folks with website administration as captains/managers so I am copying the old info on this, please review and thanks!

Persons are assigned the site administrator position for a couple reasons. Mostly it's for team captains to be able to schedule practices, and managers to be able to manipulate the rosters and place new folks on the appropriate teams. Also all administrators can use the email function to contact their teams.

When scheduling practices, make sure you enter correctly. Practices are to be non-league events with stats disabled. There is a drop down box to choose everything correctly, make the event "Practice: (team name).

The big thing is, please do not make changes, updates, deletions etc to any areas, it should just be used for team-specific functions like practices. I am granting it with a good deal of trust that there won't be any monkey business or accidents. If you're not sure if you should be messing with it or not, play it safe and don't. The "sacred" don'ts are:

--Don't moderate the forums. Please do not approve or delete any posts besides your own. This is a function I have asked to be left to me alone. I'm on the site numerous times a day, so I keep an eye on it.

--Don't make any changes to the additional pages up: Rules, FAQ's, Managers, etc. This is crucial. If you see something that is an error or needs an update, let me know via email or in-game.

--No master schedule changes. If you see any discrepancies or issues with the schedule, please email me. Do not make changes to the master schedule. It's complicated and time consuming.

--Don't choose "Delete" on anyone when assigning or removing on rosters. Instead, pick Disable or Move. This is very important. If you "delete" someone, they can't log into the website at all. I can restore it, but it's sort of a pain.

--Do not assign Team or League Administration rights to anyone, or remove said rights. I will take care of this, just let me know who needs it and for what.

If something DOES happen, I can contact Teamopolis and the site can be rolled back, it's just much easier not to have to do so but let me know if there's a problem. Thanks!
Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011

I am bumping this up for review, we had a handful of players "deleted" so persons with roster ability/league administrator rights, please take a minute to read it through. Thanks!

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