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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Posted: Wed Nov 4, 2009

I would like to thank everyone who's been coming by and helping out with the new rookies during our first week back to doing Farm.

It is good to have Katia back and helping with Farm again! Rookies, please feel free to contact Katia with questions or problems. She has done Farm training before and is a longtime league member and co-owner of Jericho Hill and happy to assist!

I also want to thank Dyz again for making tracking so easy. Here's the most recent numbers, minus players already placed and alts.

Player (# games played in Farm-Euro-Scrim-N.A.)

Nicholas Huillermeyer:1-0-5-1
Anti Ghost: 1-0-3-0
Acegoodheart Nightfire: 1-0-3-0
Aiden Mistwood:1-0-1-0
Ceasarvon Crumb:1-0-0-0
JS Easterwood:1-0-0-0
PiperAnne Decosta: 0-0-4-0
Arab Gearhead:0-0-2-0
CBC Riddler:0-0-1-0
LadyBella Blessed: 0-0-1-0
Tangle Giano: 0-0-1-0
Stacey Avonside:0-0-1-0
Shadow Luponox: 0-0-1-0
Balgaar Mubble: 0-0-1-0
JD Fessbeinder: 0-0-1-0

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