Team History:
The Polar bears are a Season 9 expansion team.
(Team defunct as of Season 14.)
SL Community Affliliation: Warrior Instinct Nations
First Season Played:
Season 9.
Original Team Roster:
Larithen Karu
Deej Kasshiki
Harley Wachmann
Dorian Nider
Ray Goalpost
Mia Koala
Genghis Roux
Jamie Tolsen
William Waverly
Naples John
Han Okelli
Samuel Runo
League Awards:
Roux Trophy (Polar Bears Team MVP)
Season 11: Deej Kasshiki
Season 12: Tammed Ember
Season 13: Vic Gastel
Current Team Captain:
Favorite Events/Memories:
Larithen Karu: "To be honest, there wasn't a single game I played this season without one memory or another that I could reminisce on... it's quite unfortunate that most of them revolve around Genghis getting names wrong causing giggles all around, calling Jamie 'Jeremy' and Naples getting called 'Nipples'. Not a game went by without us having a good laugh about one thing or another!"
Naples John: "I don't remember how I did it, but rezzing a box on top of the opposing net while trying to take a shot was one of my hightlights. Don't laugh, I think I got away with a crease amidst all the confusion! A rotating cast of characters throughout the season... I think most everyone in GOHA wore the blue/gold (or the pink/blue) at least once during the team's debut season."
Marjan Tomba: " I remember this one time I got drafted by the Polar Bears. Why, it feels like only a few days ago..." (drafted to Polar Bears for Season 10)
Michael278 Quandry: "Being drafted on December 11, 2010 and scoring my first goal on January 28, 2010 and first assist a game later."
Cili Firanelli: "Well my first season in GOHA and with the Polar Bears is now a memory in
itself. It was a great time with a wonderful bunch of folks. We took a
while to get started but once we did we became a team and on our day
could beat the best on the league. Back on draft day I was hoping Polar
Bears would pick me and I haven't regretted it since. You were the best
team I could have played for. Amongst all the great memories from
Season 10 the one that will stand out for me came in last night's
playoff game against Wolves when someone asked in voice, "Where's the
puck?" and Deej responded with, "I have it!" then added, "just as soon
as I get Beavis off it."
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