Chapter 2 - Player Status, Equipment & Transactions
2.1 - Player Status & Eligibility
In general, all players are eligible to participate in league activities as long as they remain in good status with regards to player conduct. While GOHA encourages its players to assist the league in any way that they can, eligibility to hold a position as a team captain, referee, coach, or league manager is dependent upon certain conditions that a player must meet.
Eligibility is strongly associated with player status, which refers to an individual player’s length of tenure within the league, conduct history and current state of conduct, and whether they are considered active or inactive for the current season.
There are a number of terms that are applied in reference to player status, all of which are defined below with details as to whether or not a player is eligible to participate in games and other league activities or to hold positions in captaincy, staff and management.
These new classifications are to be applied for Season 20 and are not retroactive; all players who participated in at least one (1) regulation game prior to or during Season 19 will be considered as veterans, staying in accordance with past rules.
A prospect is any player who is currently practicing through the Farm Division and has not yet entered a season draft or been formally placed on a team during a season. Prospects are new to the league and must first hone their skills through practice and scrimmages before they can be moved to a team.
All prospects are mentored by a GOHA coach and must participate in practice sessions and scrimmages before they can be considered for promotion from the Farm Division. Coaches will speak with each prospect as they practice and ask if they intend to eventually play on a team. When both coach and prospect feel that enough progress has been made, then the prospect will be given one of two opportunities, depending on the time of year:
A) If a season is in progress, and the trade/placement deadline has not passed, then the prospect will be placed directly on a team.
B) If the trade/placement deadline has passed, or if a season is not in progress, then the prospect will be entered into the draft for the next season.
All prospects may participate in scrimmages, Farm Division practices, informal practices, and all other league activities, including tournaments and other games during the offseason; however, they may be excluded from team-specific practices and meetings and cannot play as a substitute in official league games without prior approval from management. Exceptions apply for prospects who serve as on-loan players; see below for details regarding on-loan status.
A prospect who wishes to serve as a substitute in an official game is given priority but is not guaranteed to be selected for every game.
Prospects are not eligible to serve as a referee, coach, captain, or manager until they have gained enough experience within the league and maintain good conduct. In addition, prospects are not eligible to earn awards at the end of a season until they have been designated as a rookie.
To provide more opportunities to gain experience when a season is in progress and practices are not held as regularly, prospects are given the option of getting involved in a limited capacity with a team in one of the league’s two divisions. Prospects who have shown progress in their training and wish to have additional practice with a team are given “on-loan” status and have special exceptions added to their eligibility.
On-loan players are placed on a team informally by management, who then notifies the captain of that team. Once placed, these prospects are able to practice with the team during scheduled practices and pre-game warmups.
Captains who have an on-loan prospect assigned to their team are encouraged to help train and foster the growth of these players as best as they can, but are not required to take on the responsibility of acting as a coach for these players. Team captains are not required to offer ice time to on-loan players, and may use other substitutes if the team is shorthanded; however, an on-loan player who substitutes for the team they are assigned to is not restricted to playing on defense only and may be used in any position. Above all else, captains and players alike must treat any new players who are placed on their team with the same respect and inclusiveness of any other player, and their conduct toward prospects must remain in accordance with the GOHA Mission and code of conduct.
When an on-loan prospect is ready for formal placement, under most circumstances, they are placed on the same team that they were first assigned to.
Due to their status as a prospect, on-loan players are given priority when a team requires substitutes. Additionally, they retain all other eligibilities and restrictions that a normal prospect does.
The policies regarding the placement and limitations placed upon an on-loan prospect are different for each division. At all stages, the prospect will be monitored by the coaches and managers of the division that they are primarily assigned to. A prospect can only be given on-loan status in one division, but may still attend farm practices for either division.
The divisional policies for on-loan prospects are as follows; please make note of the similarities and differences between the two:
North American Division
1) Prospect attends practices through the farm division; coaches and the division manager will be involved in the training and assessment of each new player.
2) When both the prospect and their coaches agree that enough progress has been made, the player will be given approval to play as a sub in league games.
3) After gaining approval, the prospect will also be given the choice of becoming an on-loan player and will be notified of the risks and changes in eligibility that this status entails; the player is not forced to be informally placed on a team. If a player decides to become an on-loan player, they will be paired, if possible, by management with a team and captain that would be deemed a good fit for the prospect; if no match can be found, then the player will still be given the opportunity to play as a sub.
4) The prospect must still attend farm practices and remain in contact with their coaches, but progress will be monitored not only through their training but also through their progress and play during games in which they act either as a sub or as an on-loan player.
5) After being approved to play as a sub or to be given on-loan status, each prospect will be given a window of at most two (2) weeks before being placed on a team officially.
6) Captains can invite a prospect who has been loaned to their team to any team practices or games, and are strongly encouraged to help contribute to the growth and development of this player. However, captains are not required to allow their prospect to practice or warmup with the team, or to dress the prospect for games.
7) Captains are not forced to accept an on-loan prospect, but must accept prospects after they are ready for official placement on a team.
8) If a captain uses their prospect in a game, they are not required to give a set amount of ice time for that player and can instead offer as much or as little time as the situation of a game demands.
9) Captains may opt to use other substitutes in lieu of bringing their prospect into a game; however, if the prospect enters the game, they are not bound by the rules for substitutes and can be used in any position on the ice.
10) Prospects who are given on-loan status can act as a sub in other games through the NA Division, and are not limited to play only for the team that they were paired with. However, a prospect cannot play as a substitute for a team that is playing against the team that they were placed on.
11) Prospects that are considered to be on-loan in the European Division will be allowed to play as a substitute in NA Division games, and will also be allowed to attend farm practices for the division.
European Division
1) Prospect attends practices through the farm division; coaches and the division manager will be involved in the training and assessment of each new player.
2) If the prospect is deemed to need additional practice, they will automatically be given on-loan status.
3) Each on-loan prospect will be paired with a team and captain that are considered to be the best fit for that player.
4) Captains will be required to accept any on-loan prospect that is placed on their team, and must allow the prospect to attend practices and game warmups with the rest of the team. Teams/captains who attempt to bar a prospect from practices or warmups may face supplemental discipline or other consequences.
5) The prospect will be expected to continue to attend farm practices; captains will be expected to communicate with their division manager and with the farm coaches for the Euro Division regarding the progress of their player.
6) Similar to the NA Division, captains must accept a prospect who is ready for official placement on a team.
7) Official placement will occur after the prospect’s captain feels that the player is ready for league play, and reaches agreement with the player, coaches and division manager. An on-loan prospect will be eligible for official placement no earlier than one (1) week after they are placed on a team.
8) If a captain uses their prospect in a game, they are not required to give a set amount of ice time for that player and can instead offer as much or as little time as the situation of a game demands.
9) Captains may opt to use other substitutes in lieu of bringing their prospect into a game; however, if the prospect enters the game, they are not bound by the rules for substitutes and can be used in any position on the ice.
10) On-loan prospects will not be allowed to play as a substitute in any other games within the division.
Status for all new players follows a line of progression from prospect, to rookie, and then to veteran. A prospect has their status changed and is designated as a rookie when they have been added to the roster of a team via midseason placement or through the season draft.
Rookies are given many of the same eligibilities as veteran players, but are distinguished by their difference in tenure, with rookie players typically participating in their first official season.
All rookies are eligible to participate in all season and postseason games for their team, as well as attend team practices, meetings, and all other league activities. Rookies may also continue to participate in Farm Division practices. Additionally, they are eligible to act as a substitute in regulation games, and are also given a window of priority when substitutes are selected.
Rookies are not eligible to serve as a farm coach or league manager; however, in rare cases, a rookie may be accepted as a referee or captain, at the discretion and under the supervision of management.
A player is considered to be a rookie until they meet one or more of the following conditions:
1) Participates in at least 25%, rounded up, of their team’s games during a single regular season;
2) Participates in a minimum of three (3) games during a single postseason;
3) Participates in a combined total of twelve (12) regular season and postseason games across two (2) seasons;
4) Participates in any number of games across three (3) seasons;
5) Is awarded the Rodriguez Trophy.
When any of the above conditions have been met, a player will rescind their rookie status at the end of that season and will be considered as a veteran from that point onward.
These totals may only include regulation games in which a player represents the team that they were placed on; preseason games, scrimmages, tournament games, and season games in which a player participates as a prospect or substitute do not count toward these conditions.
A rookie may be demoted to prospect status for the next season if they clear waivers or fail to attend any regular season or postseason games after being placed or drafted on a team.
At the end of the season, players who are designated as rookies are eligible to earn all league awards, excluding the Lusch and Ixtab Trophies, and are considered exclusively for the Rodriguez Trophy.
A player who has met their requirements to progress from rookie status is considered to be a veteran. Veteran players have a minimum of one season of experience, and are eligible to hold any position in captaincy, as a coach, as a referee, or in management; specific requirements for these positions are detailed in Chapter X.
All veterans are required to complete an intention card prior to the start of the season in order to be placed in that season’s draft. Veterans cannot be demoted to rookie or prospect status, and are eligible to participate in all games, league activities, and practices while they maintain good conduct.
Veteran players are eligible to earn all league awards, excluding the Rodriguez Trophy.
Special rules pertaining to trades and the season draft are in place for players who are partnered or become partners during a season. These rules will apply only to committed, partnered couples (regardless of gender or orientation), and do not cover threesomes or other arrangements.
Prior to the draft for each season, partnered players must indicate on their intention cards whether they would like to be picked separately or as a couple. In the draft, couples/partners are counted as one pick; rules regarding multiple partner picks are detailed in Section 3.2.
In the event that two players become partnered while a season is in progress, and subsequently wish to play together, then team captains must make their best effort to accommodate and put together a suitable trade. By contrast, if two players break their partnership mid-season and wish to play on separate teams, their captain should attempt to arrange a trade for the sake of preventing any issues that may emerge as a result of the split from negatively affecting the rest of the team. In both cases, if captains cannot complete a trade, they are encouraged to speak with their division manager for assistance.
Partnered teammates cannot be traded separately unless they have granted permission to their team captain. If partnerships form or split at any point after the trade deadline, then those players must remain on their current team and cannot be moved.
Inactive Players
A player may have their status changed to inactive for reasons dealing with that player’s attendance. Specifically, players may be rendered inactive under one of three conditions:
A) Player clears waivers.
B) Player announces that they will be unable to play for an extended length of time; this is termed as “voluntary inactivity” and protects that player from being waived.
C) Player misses all games during the regular season; in these cases, the player will be ineligible to participate in any postseason games and will be rendered inactive.
Inactive players are unable to participate in regulation games during the current season until their status returns to active.
If a player decides to enter voluntary inactivity, then they must announce their absence either through the forums on the website, by speaking with a member of management, or by speaking to their captain(s). A player who is voluntarily inactive cannot be waived; however, if no communication has taken place, then the player loses that protection and can be waived if they meet the necessary conditions. See Rule 2.3 - Transactions for details regarding waivers.
A player involved in management who is inactive will have their functions handed off temporarily to another manager and subsequently returned when the player is active again. If a captain is rendered inactive, then the responsibilities of captaincy will fall upon one of the assistant captains for that team until the captain becomes active again. In both of these cases, if the player remains inactive beyond a reasonable length of time, then their management or captaining responsibilities may be handed off for the remainder of the season or beyond.
Retirement is a special case of inactivity in which a player states that they either cannot or do not wish to continue to play for an indefinite amount of time. A player who announces their retirement must do so either by leaving a post on the forums, or by speaking directly to a member of management.
Retirement differs from voluntary inactivity in terms of length; while retirement will leave a player inactive indefinitely, voluntary inactivity should be used in cases where a player intends to return to play for the current season and does not wish to be exposed to waivers.
A player who retires at any point during the season (i.e., during or after the season draft) cannot return to play for the remainder of the season. Players may retire and unretire multiple times, and may announce either at any time. For a player to come out of retirement, they may use the forums, speak with management, or complete an intention card for the next season.
If a player who is involved as a captain, referee, coach and/or manager retires, then they will lose all of the positions they held and must speak with the league commissioner if they wish to be reinstated. Players coming out of retirement are not guaranteed to regain any of their former positions depending on the length of retirement, conduct status at the time of retirement, and whether or not anyone has been assigned as a replacement in those positions.
Suspension is a status administered to a player for a temporary or indefinite length of time in certain cases of poor conduct. Players who have been suspended cannot participate in any league activities for the duration of the suspension. The length of a suspension varies on a case-by-case basis; consult Chapter 5 - Player Conduct for details.
2.2 - Player Equipment & Regulations
League Equipment & Usage
GOHA provides uniforms, player HUDs, sticks, skates, helmets, gloves and goalie equipment free of charge and available at all times in-world on the player side of Brooks Arena and Cleary Arena. This equipment is designed to work in unison with the game scripts at the arenas and facilities maintained by the league and will not function properly elsewhere.
For all regulation games, players may only use equipment that has been approved by the league. At the bare minimum, a skater must wear their stick, HUD, and the appropriate team uniform (jersey and pants); goaltenders must wear their stick, HUD, uniform, and glove (in rare circumstances, the goalie glove may suffer a script error after being attached, and in these cases, the referee may allow a goalie to play without their glove).
Players must wear the appropriate jersey color for each game, depending on home and away status. Unless required for games that are considered as special events, teams may decide for themselves if they wish to wear their alternate jersey (if applicable) in lieu of wearing their away jersey.
Rendering issues may sometimes prevent other players from seeing the correct jersey color; oftentimes this can be corrected with a texture rebake, by switching group titles, or by relogging. If a majority of players and/or the referee still cannot see the proper jersey, then the player must stay out of the game until the issue can be corrected or an alternative solution can be found.
Jersey numbers are to be decided by each player by a set deadline for each season; teammates cannot share jersey numbers. Retired/reserved numbers are not available for any other players; the jersey numbers that have been reserved or retired by the league are listed as follows:
#22 — Scotty Vella (Ravens)
#39 — Jack Belvedere (league-wide)
#99 — Kerry Gretzky (league-wide)
Referees must wear their referee uniform, and referee-specific HUD. In cases where a dedicated referee is not available and teams must use one of their own players to act as as a ref, these requirements do not apply and the player may wear their team uniform, player equipment and HUD, and referee HUD at the same time.
League equipment does not have modify or transfer rights and cannot be resized. However, players may adjust the position of their attachable equipment to better match their shape, but must keep each piece in a realistic location on their body (i.e., sticks must be in hands, skates must be on feet, helmets must not be floating away from the player’s head, etc.).
Player sticks must be worn in such a way that the blade of the stick comes in contact with the ice surface, but does not lay significantly above or below the ice while in a stationary, ready position.
Skaters are allowed to switch between using a left- or right-handed stick at any time during a game, but cannot hold onto more than one stick at a time.
Equipment infractions may be called at any time during a game if spotted by the referee and must be corrected before the player is allowed to re-enter the game; refusal to comply with these equipment requirements may result in a penalty.
Script Requirements
To allow all players to have the most optimal gameplay experience, spectators are kept on a separate sim from the actual rink, and scripts as well as attachments are to be kept to a minimum at each arena while a game is in progress. Extraneous scripted attachments may not be worn during gameplay; penalties may be assessed if a player refuses to remove these attachments, or adds any scripted attachments while the game is in progress.
Players and referees alike are responsible for keeping their total scripts within the proper limits prior to and during gameplay; script counters are provided on the player side of each rink to allow players to easily check their script totals.
The required script counts for all players during regulation games are as follows:
Skaters — 25
Goaltenders — 28
Referees — 36
Client bridges are not factored into these totals; players who must use a client bridge may have an additional script, bringing the totals to 26, 29 and 37 respectively.
Avatar Requirements
The league does not discriminate against any person on the basis of the outward appearance of their avatar, regardless of form, race, species, gender, lifestyle, and otherwise. Spectators, as well as players who are not in a game, are welcome no matter what form they take. The only limits and requirements that are imposed upon an avatar’s appearance are those that are directly related to gameplay and standards of decency.
GOHA equipment is designed to be worn by avatars with the default humanoid skeleton used throughout SL; animations and attachment points are matched to this skeleton and will not properly function if a player attempts to use a non-humanoid avatar.
To participate in games, avatars must meet or exceed the minimum height that is scripted into the sticks; if the shape is too short, then the stick will display floating text which indicates that the avatar has an invalid height. Similarly, an avatar must not be excessively tall, broad or thin. Having too short of an avatar will make it unreasonably difficult to be checked or tracked by other players, while having too tall of an avatar will grant an unrealistic amount of vertical coverage for aerial pucks. Excessive broadness and thinness both hinder visibility for other players.
Limbs may be proportioned in any way as long as equipment can be placed in the proper locations in relation to the ice surface and the body. Players may not be positioned above or below the ice and must be shaped in a way that their feet remain in contact with the ice. Excessive height may cause a player’s avatar to have their feet positioned above the ice.
Cosmetic attachments such as hair and ears are permitted as long as they are non-scripted, and do not cause graphical disruptions or significant problems with visibility or latency for other players. Avatar rendering cost (ARC) is not monitored, but non-equipment attachments should still be kept to a minimum. Facelights, attachments with strong glow, particles, attachments with hundreds of prims, and flexible prims should not be worn during games. Mesh attachments that do not include the player’s jersey, pants, gloves or skates may be worn, but should be kept small and to a minimum.
All parts of a player’s avatar must remain visible and should not be concealed by large attachments or alpha layers. GOHA’s Chamonix sims are PG-rated, and all avatars should maintain an appearance that is appropriate for a PG sim.
2.3 - Transactions
Trades & Trade Deadline
A trade involves an exchange of players between two or more teams, initiated and negotiated by the team captains. Trades may take place after the end of the preseason up to the day of the trade deadline.
The trade deadline is included in the schedule before the season begins, and is placed at approximately the three-quarter mark of the season (i.e., when 75% of all regular season games have been played). Once the trade deadline passes, all transactions, including trades, waivers, placements, and transfer requests, must cease and no further transactions can be made. If a trade is in progress (i.e., captains are negotiating the terms of the trade, or a trade proposal has been put forward) but cannot be completed by the trade deadline, then the trade cannot take place.
When all captains involved in a trade have come to an agreement, they must present the trade proposal to their division manager. The division manager may block a trade if there is a question of fairness in the trade in terms of balanced returns, player attendance, or other pertinent reasons. If a trade proposal is accepted, then the division manager must present the trade to all of the remaining captains in the division. Each captain is to offer a vote to either approve or deny the trade; if three or more teams must vote, then the decision will be left to majority rule. If one or two teams are left to vote, then a trade may only be approved by a unanimous vote. In the unlikely event that all teams in a division are involved in a trade, then it will be approved or denied by management.
Trade proposals are valid for three (3) days; once this time has passed, if votes have not been received by all captains, then the decision will be based on the votes that have been received. If no captains have voted, then the trade will be approved automatically. When all votes have been received, the trade will be approved or denied at that time and if approved, will be announced by management in-world and on the league forums.
When a trade is completed, team captains are responsible for following up with their players to inform them that the trade has occurred. Captains are also responsible for removing and inviting players to their team’s in-world group after a trade is completed, if permissions allow.
If a trade occurs on a game day, then the players involved in the trade will not officially switch teams until the next game day.
The league commissioner reserves the right to overrule, adjust, or reverse any trades at any time before the trade deadline passes.
Waivers are utilized as a means of clearing roster space in the event that a team has one or more inactive players, most often in cases where the team does not want to risk disrupting chemistry late in the season with its current active players.
Players are eligible to be waived if they meet both of the following conditions:
1) Player has missed ten (10) or more consecutive regular season contests;
2) Player has not previously spoken with their captain about missing games, or has not rendered themselves as voluntarily inactive.
Waivers are to be initiated by team captains, and may not be utilized for poor attendance or in-game performance, or in cases where a player has stated that they will be unavailable for a length of time but expects to return later in the season. Captains must speak with their division manager before initiating a waiver; if the waiver is approved, management will announce the transaction in-world, as well as any claims that are made on the waived player. Captains must then leave a post on the league forums to announce the waiver.
Teams will have 48 hours after the waiver is first announced to make a claim on the player, after which the waiver will be considered closed. Captains from other teams may make a claim on the waived player either by responding on the forums, or by speaking with management in-world.
When the waiver is closed, if no teams have made a claim, then the player will have cleared waivers and will be rendered inactive. If more than one team has made a claim, then the player will be moved to the team that is lowest in the standings on the day that the waiver is opened. If the lowest team in the standings makes a claim, then the player will automatically be moved to that team and the waiver will be closed immediately. To prevent teams from gaining or losing precedence while a waiver is open, management will base all claims on each team’s position in the standings at the date and time that the waiver was initiated.
A player who clears waivers must speak with their division manager before they are able to rejoin a team. Management will make an effort to place the player on a team, but if that player misses three (3) consecutive games immediately after being placed, then they will be rendered inactive again for the remainder of the season.
Players who clear waivers either at the trade deadline or during the week of the deadline will be given a grace period of five (5) days after they have cleared waivers to express a desire to return. Once this grace period has passed, if a player has not spoken with their division manager to return to play, then they will be rendered inactive through the rest of the season.
If a player has been placed on waivers but returns while their waiver is open, they will not be eligible to play until after they have been claimed by a team, or have cleared waivers. If a team elects to waive a player, the decision is final and the waiver cannot be stopped or reversed.
A player who has been claimed off waivers will be eligible to play for their new team one (1) full day after the waiver has been closed.
Any act of collusion between players and/or captains in which it is evident that a player refuses to play for their team so that they can be waived and claimed by another team, or where a captain attempts to convince a player to get themselves waived so that they can be claimed off of waivers, will result in a conduct warning and season suspension for all parties involved.
Disciplinary Waivers
A disciplinary waiver is a tool that a captain may utilize in special cases where one specific player becomes a clear source of drama or other internal problems within the team, and demonstrates a pattern of poor conduct or sportsmanship. These waivers differ in purpose and function from normal waivers and are designed to deal with the following cases:
1) A captain wishes to release a problematic player from their team to prevent further issues but is unable to complete a trade.
2) The player is unresponsive or uncooperative when the captain attempts to speak with them regarding the player’s conduct.
3) The player rebels or refuses to improve their conduct after being justifiably benched or otherwise disciplined.
If a captain wishes to use a disciplinary waiver, they must communicate with their division manager and provide clear evidence that the player they wish to waive is a source of significant problems within the team. Additionally, the captain must demonstrate that they have made reasonable efforts to speak with the player regarding their conduct. Disciplinary waivers must be approved by the commissioner, who will render a decision as soon as is feasible.
Depending on the severity of misconduct, a player who is exposed to a disciplinary waiver may also be subject to supplemental discipline. If the waiver is approved, management will inform the player and the captain of the decision, and will then announce the waiver in-world and on the league forums. Once approved, disciplinary waivers are structured identically to normal waivers, allowing other teams to make claims on the player for 48 hours after the waiver is opened.
A player who clears a disciplinary waiver may still express a desire to return to play but will not be eligible to be placed on a team for a minimum of two (2) weeks, and until they have shown that they sincerely wish to improve their conduct. Players who clear a disciplinary waiver will not be granted a grace period at the trade deadline.
Players who wish to return to play or unretire, as well as players who are promoted from prospect status, while a season is in progress will be placed on a team by management. In almost all cases, placements are given to teams with the greatest demonstrable need, based on the current standings, team statistics, player attendance, positional needs, and other factors.
In order to be eligible to return, a player must not be under indefinite suspension and should otherwise be considered to be in good conduct status. Veterans and rookies who seek placement should speak with a manager and express their desire to return.
No placements are made from the start of the draft through the end of the preseason, and do not begin until after the first full week of the regular season. Normally, each set of placements is made following the captain meetings at the end of the week, up until the trade deadline. In cases of dire need, management may elect to make placements immediately after they are made available, at any point during the week.
Trade Requests & Transfers
Trade requests are no longer permitted; if a player feels that their presence is no longer welcome on their current team, or that they are the target of harassment, blame or unfair treatment, then the player may be transferred to another team.
A player who wishes to be transferred must communicate with their division manager. In a transfer request, the burden of proof is placed upon the player, who must provide clear examples of mistreatment or negativity focused toward them when presenting their case. Management will attempt to substantiate any claims or pieces of evidence that are brought forward in order to determine how valid and credible they are, and will then approve or reject the transfer request based on the information that has been gathered.
Additionally, management may decide to investigate the circumstances that have caused a player to request a move to another team and if necessary, may also apply supplemental discipline to those who are held responsible. If a transfer request is approved, then the player will be moved to another team based on compatibility and needs. The team that the player is transferring from will not receive another player in return and may be barred from receiving any future placements for the rest of the season.
Falsifying evidence, whether through forgery of chat logs, manipulation of snapshots, editing or deliberately withholding information in such a way that it falsely portrays or represents a person’s statements, or by any other means, may result in suspensions or conduct warnings depending on severity. |